
What's Next? **Beware of spoiler for Twilight Series**

Oh WOW! I finished Eclipse last night while Chris went to a Rush concert with his bro, David, and nephew, Isaac. I like this series alot. I laughed and cried (alot) and I can't wait till August for the next book, Breaking Dawn. I admit I'm a nerd about this whole thing, but haven't gotten into a book like this, well, I think ever!!!!! What's going to happen next? I really hope it's a happy ending. I want Bella and Edward to marry, Jacob to be happy and imprint, and some magical thing to happen so that Bella and Edward can be together forever without Bella needing to be a vampire so that they can have kids (but I thnk that's my own desire for more little ones). If Bella does become a vampire I realy hope that Edward's the one to do it. I'm glad that Bella and Edward didn't "go all the way", but I am very interested to see how Stephine addresses that promise in the next book. Chris kept telling me that I should slow down my reading so it would last longer, so that I didn't have to wait as long for the fourth book. but I kept telling him that it was too good to put down. Plus, I wanted to finish them so that I could just move on with my life and stop thinking and wondering about what was going to happen next to Bella, Edward and Jacob (who I really like and am very sad that he and Bella didn't work out even though I wanted Edward and Bella to stay together too.) I know, I'm weird, but whatever.

Back to reality. Last night while Chris was out at the concert, Parker and I went to Target (a family favorite, even for Parker). Parker loves to get one of the small tricycles and ride around the whole store with us. It keeps him busy and he keeps pretty close. Anyway, I was showing Parker these cute sippy cups that were in the shapes of lobsters, fish, and monkey faces, and he looked at me and said, "It's too girly." What? When did my little boy start thinking things were "too girly", let alone saying it?


Kara said...

I totally feel the same way about how I would like to see things turn out---I want Bella to be with Edward, but I would like them to figure out a way to have children! I also want Jacob to imprint on somebody so he'll be happy. Ohhhh I'm too obsessed!

Lisa said...

Ok, haven't read the books yet... so I don't think those cups are too girly. But I am a girl, so I may not be objective. Lexie would love the monkey!

Bella said...

You're going to totally laugh but I had written this HUGE comment a few posts ago and it didn't save and I didn't want to redo it but after all you keep talking about these books I just keep getting more and more excited! Talk about run on sentence heh? haha Anyways, I have the same feelings, I want everything to work out! Although I did fall in love with Jacob! I keep flip flopping back and forth loving Edward and Jacob depending on my mood. Haha Anyways, sounds like you are doing good! I can't wait for #4 to come out and I am already preparing my kids to forget about mom for the day! Hopefully Jon will be home and I will lock myself in my bedroom and kick everyone out of the house.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

I LOVE the twilight series! I too am a complete nerd when it comes to those books and Chris just doesn't understand that there is no way on earth to read those books slowly!! (c: If you want something to keep you busy in your down time before the next one comes out, "The Host" is Meyer's other book and is pretty darn good. Not quite as good as the twilight books, but I couldn't put it down either!!!